This past Saturday, we had a charity bout to benefit the Red Cross and area Fire Departments in response to the recent wild fires. Ironically, it had a fireworks theme. I played for the Sparklers and we played the Black Cats. Some of the players from the EPRD came down to mash up with us and we learned a lot about the game. It was a great turn out and for a good cause and both sides benefited from this experience, and WE WON! I'm not going to gloat too much, I was playing my own team mates, but it was really my first time to play on a winning team and it feels good.
Okay, I got that out of my system.
We even had
press coverage. If you don't blink you can see me making my grand entrance. This is the best view of the action. But here's some stills.
All in all it was a great event. And I am sure that we raised a bunch of monies for the Red Cross and the Firemen, though I don't know what the final tally is yet. I am really proud of my Betties and I can't wait for the next bout. (We will be facing Abilene again in 26 days)
Wow! You didn't tell me it was a charity bout! Y'all go! And TV coverage to boot! Yay, Betties!