Saturday, June 11, 2011

First, possibly only

I decided to start writing this because I was bored at home, and I thought, surely everyone in cyberspace wants to hear me whining about how my husband went to Lubbock to a Poison concert and I couldn't go because I couldn't find a babysitter.  That's interesting, right?  Nah, I guess not, but now that's out of the way, I guess I can go on to more interesting topics. 


The baby that needed sitting is my hell-on-wheels, red-headed, four-year-old, Mr. B.  I usually ask my sister-in-law to watch him, but she has two additional children tonight, adding to the four that she gave birth to.  So she was unavailable.  I begged on Facebook for a sitter, but no luck, all the people who are my friends already know that Mr. B is a large undertaking and the ones who don't must not have been online last night.  My sister and niece offered, but they are hundreds of miles away in Dallas, and my friend Jackie offered, but she wouldn't be home until after the show started and didn't realize it was in Lubbock, which is 2 hours away.  I wish I had had more time to work it out, but we only found out about the show yesterday.

Personally, I really couldn't care less about seeing Poison.  Not that I hate them or anything, they are nostalgic kitchy fun, and my husband has been wanting to see them in concert since he was 8.  Concerts really aren't my thing, I am a small person (and I mean small, 54 inches small to be exact) and I can rarely see very well and get nervous and claustrophobic in large crowds.  I just wanted to get away with my husband and have some fun.  We see each other every night, but the kids are always there, and they make it not fun and stressful to try to do anything.  I just wanted some me-and-him time, I think we really need it.

My children are not bad kids, they are actually good kids, but they are both a couple of handfuls each.  The older one, Monkey, he's 11, and thinks he is 15 already.  He is a mature boy, gets good grades, has a lot of friends, and when I am with him one on one, he's a cool guy.  But when both of his parents are around it awakens some kind of primal adolescent need to be snarky and butt-holey.  And then Mr. B, well, we already discussed him.  He's soooo adorably cute, but he is also soooo adorably hyperactive and can be hard to handle sometimes.  Plus, he witnesses his brother's attitude and tries to imitate it, which, well just sucks.  And my hubby himself has the ADHD and is a bit of a raw nerve, so when all of us are out in public, everyone gets on each other's nerves and it gets kind of tense.  Don't get me wrong, I love my family and spending time with them, but a little time away from the kids is always welcomed.

So, we come back to me, sitting at home with Mr. B, alternately bored and stopping him from burning down the house.  Even as I have been typing this, I have had to get up no less than 4 times to get him down from the bookcase, pick up a broken mirror, find the batteries to the wii remote that he threw across the room, etc.  So I don't know why I am complaining about being bored, I guess I just wish I was being entertained less dangerously.  I at least get to watch quality shows on Netflix like Johnny Test and Yo Gabba Gabba with the husband and eldest out of the house, as they don't appreciate Mr. B's taste as well as I do.

There's an interesting topic: My Taste in Entertainment.  I have an eclectic appetite for entertainment.  I enjoy all things Tarantino as much as I love Yo Gabba Gabba.  An admitted cartoon junkie, I also have a complete Tom Robbins collection and several (8 I think) Chuck Palahniuk paperbacks.  I appreciate comics, though I don't really read any, and I like to think I am cool enough for Manga, but there again, I don't really own any.  I know just enough to sound like I know a lot about pop culture, I check Wonder Wall every day, I consume gossip greedily, but I never make rude comments on celebrity blogs or really voice my opinion on them publicly.  Unless provoked. Not that I have a policy on that or anything, I don't mind sharing my opinion.

For instance, last night, the family and I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.  I had been warned that it was not worth the money for a ticket, but I braved it anyway.  It wasn't.  It didn't even really capture my children's attention.  (But it was a compromise from the start, as the eldest wanted to see Super 8 and the youngest wanted to see Kung Fu Panda)  I was excited to see Jack - excuse me - Captain Jack Sparrow in action again, and he was there, though, the new director didn't really let him fly this time.  The villain was weak and not scary.  The side-story (aka Will and Elizabeth replacement) was not even worth finishing, and I guess the new director felt the same, because he didn't.  Penelope Cruz was okay, but her character wasn't fleshed out enough to be interesting.  If they had left out all that other junk, about Blackbeard and the King and Mermaids and Zombies, it could have been a decent buddy comedy with Barbosa and Sparrow helping/betraying each other for two hours.  But, I hope if they plan to make more Pirates movies, they make sure Gore Verbinski is available, because this new guy really didn't do the series justice.  I even waited for the credits to roll so I could see the "extra" scene, and that was disappointing too.  I do have a policy against spoilers, so I won't reveal it, but if you decide not to wait, you won't miss anything.

Well, there it was.  My first official blog.  I dunno, I can't decide if I am done or not.  Yeah, I guess I should stop, Mr. B is currently kicking over the cat's bowl on the carpet.  I might do this again, we shall see...

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