Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Celebration of Our Country's Independence!

I am contemplating what to do with my 3 day weekend.  I could stay home and work on more home improvements, or I could go to the lake and meet up with my Poosk et al and have fun for a couple days.  Though I'm sure there are more options, but these are the top two choices.

Home improvements are always on my list.  I enjoy working on my house, and lord knows it needs it.  There is carpet that needs to be removed, cabinets that need to be repaired, window panes that need replacing, and endless amounts of cleaning, weeding, scrubbing, changing to be done.  But, I tend to get overwhelmed when trying to take the house head on.  Especially if I try to do it alone.  I really only have one helper, and he has to work Saturday morning.  Then there are the detractors, any mother out there knows who I am talking about.  Whether they are in the way wanting to help, or following you around messing up what you just cleaned, going through your give-away pile and removing broken toys they haven't laid eyes on in months, or just laying around complaining about how loud the vacuum is, children make home improvements incredibly difficult.  It can be quite stressful to try to undertake the task.

The lake on the other hand, sounds lovely comparatively, but it is also not without its downsides.  The kids again pose a source of stress.  I am incredibly paranoid when my children are around large bodies of water.  I know that my kids would be wearing life vests, and chances are they wouldn't want to get in the dirty water anyway, but just the fact that its there and Mr. B is incredibly fast, I fear that he would get away from me and head for the water.  There's also the Hubby factor.  He is a fun guy, and his friends will be there too, but he HATES getting wet and tends to get stressed when we have both children anywhere but at home. He will have fun, but it will walk a fine line.

I just can't decide.  We may just scrap both options and choose to go somewhere else or nowhere and be lazy at home.  I may try to get rid of my children and hang out with just grown ups.  Who knows?  I know that I plan on having fun whatever we do or don't do, because that's what 3 day weekends are for. right?